Thursday, 31 March 2011

Random thoughts and babblings...

It's nearly April.  Hard to believe.  I've been really quiet on this blog, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working.  In fact, I have.  I've been working in my sketchbook and trying to decide in which direction I want to take my work.  I had a tutorial last night which I found to be very helpful.  The session opened my eyes to a new way of looking at my work.  Maybe I'm trying to say too much in one piece.  I think I need to let some of it just speak for itself in a quiet, understated way.  And perhaps creating a conversation between two ideas.  For example: I've been playing around with images of pin-up girls from the 40s; I want to juxtapose that imagary with symbols of war - grenades, look-out towers, missles. So perhaps the pin-up girls will serve as a sort of wall paper...something that looks sexy and organic but that doesn't reveal straight away the true nature of what they are.  And then maybe have a screenprint of a grenade next to it.  Everything Warhol did in a lot of his work.  I want it to be playful and sexy.  But with a sinister undertone. 

The most important thing I took away from the tutorial is to be careful that the imagery doesn't cancel each other out - to play one image against the other for a greater impact.  Don't beat it over the viewer's heads...allow the images to speak for themselves and create their own impact.  I should act as a director in a way - determining the order of placement and establishing a hierarchy.